Friday, November 21, 2008

From a purely public relations perspective, at least GM is trying to defend its public opinion during the auto mess. One of the hallmarks of PR is that if you don’t define yourself, others will do it for you.

GM introduced a page on their corporate Web site explaining their side of the auto industry meltdown. The site includes bullet points explaining how the demise of the auto industry will affect us all, a section on mobilizing efforts, and a futuristic video set to hypnotic music. Maybe this is what they listened to when they developed the “More SUVs” mantra.


Yesterday’s entry, which discussed the ethical high road taken by golfer J.P. Hayes, ended with a tiny barb hurled at the auto industry CEOs who flew to Washington this week in private company jets. Timing Is everything and their little trip will forever more serve as a textbook example of the classic PR blunder.

In response to the uproar, General Motors has decided to stop leasing two of its five corporate planes.

According to GM spokesman Tom Wilkinson, the auto giant (?!?) is "very sensitive" to "the symbolic issue of people showing up in Washington in corporate jets."

Ahhhh hindsight.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


In a move that should trigger discussions of ethics from barrooms to classrooms, golfer J.P. Hayes chose conscience over comfort when he found himself face to face with a moral dilemma.

Is it just me, or does this story take on added impact the day after the heads of the Big Three auto makers all took private jets to DC to cry poor?

Read what went down on and off the golf course.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

"Mass" Media

For an institution so steeped in tradition, the Vatican is taking a progressive look at how new technologies and the media can lead to increased readership of the Bible.

Reuters recently reported that an assembly of Catholic bishops has called for the use of mass communications, including the Internet, iPods and DVDs, to help spread the “Divine Word.”

This recent embrace of new technologies is nothing new for the Vatican, which launched one of the first Web sites in Europe. The site, which continues to impress, was introduced under Pope John Paul II, who was considered to be extremely media savvy.

Read the story here.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How Tweet it Is

Whenever I mention Twitter to clients or students, I am usually met with a resounding "huh?" Considering PRWeek has called Twitter one of the most "cost-effective marketing tools available," shouldn't you know the basics of this increasingly popular social networking tool?

Not to worry. PRWeek created a very nice introductory story. Read it here.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


To paraphrase Napoleon: Glory is fleeting, but obscenity is forever (OK…he said “obscurity” is forever, but you get the point).

While glory may come and go, the US Supreme Court is examining whether fleeting obscenities. The FCC started taking notice (and doling out fines) when U2 front man Bono dropped the F Bomb on live TV at the 2003 Golden Globe Awards.

When singer Cher used the same expletive at the 2004 Billboard Music Awards, the FCC basically said “I got you babe” to FOX which broadcast the event. After several twists and turns, the case landed in front of the Supreme Court Tuesday.

Read the whole story.