Tuesday, September 29, 2009

William Safire, Khloe Kardashian and the State of Journalism

"Is sloppiness in speech caused by ignorance or apathy?
I don't know and I don't care."
-William Safire
"cant stand peps cant believe Im promoting sumthing bc I believe in the product!! 2 bad the 1s who hate will never really b happy!"
-Khloe Kardashian on Twitter

Media critic Neil Postman asked (and I paraphrase): Just because information can travel quickly over great distances…is it news?

In her Huffington Post article, Nancy Snow echoes Postman as she points out that on Google News, the wedding of reality TV star Khloe Kardashian and Los Angeles Lakers' forward Lamar Odom is getting more hits than the death of New York Times columnist,
William Safire.

Snow suggests the fact that “the death of an esteemed giant in American journalism is less newsworthy than a second-tier celebrity wedding” speaks volumes about the decline of American journalism.
Read the story here.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Sure all this Beatles 09.09.09 stuff has been called the Magical Marketing Tour, but the first 25 seconds of the Beatles Rock Band ad (below) are freaky good.

Welcome Back

Ahhhh September. The air is crisp, baseball is approaching its Fall Classic and Communication Concerns returns (does that rhyme?).

It’s also the time of year when I happily explain to my media students that there was a time before texting and e-mails and tweets. In this past Sunday’s NY Times, Joni Evans (co-founder of wowOwow.com) recalls the “pre-tech” days of the publishing biz circa 1970.

It’s a great read and a fun way to restart our blog. Read it here and welcome back.