I don't know and I don't care."
-William Safire
"cant stand peps cant believe Im promoting sumthing bc I believe in the product!! 2 bad the 1s who hate will never really b happy!"
-Khloe Kardashian on Twitter
Media critic Neil Postman asked (and I paraphrase): Just because information can travel quickly over great distances…is it news?
In her Huffington Post article, Nancy Snow echoes Postman as she points out that on Google News, the wedding of reality TV star Khloe Kardashian and Los Angeles Lakers' forward Lamar Odom is getting more hits than the death of New York Times columnist, William Safire.
In her Huffington Post article, Nancy Snow echoes Postman as she points out that on Google News, the wedding of reality TV star Khloe Kardashian and Los Angeles Lakers' forward Lamar Odom is getting more hits than the death of New York Times columnist, William Safire.
Snow suggests the fact that “the death of an esteemed giant in American journalism is less newsworthy than a second-tier celebrity wedding” speaks volumes about the decline of American journalism. Read the story here.
I definitely think this is sad, but it just shows what the public is interested in. Celeb news are mostly lighthearted and easy to read, whereas the death of a journalist is not. Sometimes people just aren't in the mood for serious news. It's much easier to click on some gossip and forget about it the next minute, than to read a heavy article and get upset about it.
Where has the written word gone? I guess because I am an ancient one, I still like to hold a newspaper or book in my hands. I enjoy reading something well written and that has the ability to make me think. Will the wedding of Khloe and Lamar affect any societal change? Not likely. Did Safire with his articles? You bet. This is just one reason why I don't watch network TV or have never watched a reality show-they have nothing to say to me.
I believe this article just points out how technology and the media is "dumbing down" our nation. Things like Twitter (which I think is just plain stupid) is making people obsessed with what others are doing, the media is basically forcing pointless gossip down our throats.I think people need to start focusing on "real news" like what is going on in the world, not whats going on in , for example, Khloe Kardashian's life. If people stop reading celebritie's "tweets" who can't even form a sentence right, then maybe there will be hope for our society.I think people should pick up a book once in a while.
Although I am guilty of being sucked into the celebrity gossip world at times, it is a sad thing to see that our entire world has been, as well. The advancement of technology and the internet has forced our current teens' interest from actual news to gossip presented as news. Our conversations center around the media, except that they center around the wrong type of media. My generation is practically unable to distinguish important news from sporadic events in the celebrity world anymore. It is sad to see our world that we have worked so hard to create being destroyed even quicker by our own stupidity.
This should not only be embarrassing that Khloe and Lamar got more coverage but that the American public demands and is more interested in the wedding then William Safire. This shows how the younger generations have less aprreciation and are entertained by pointless celeberty events that hold no meaning.
It really is pathetic that a great man’s death was neglected because of a wedding of two frivolous people who have no impact on our society. That is what is wrong with the world today. Half of our society is more obsessed with celebrities and technology than with things and real people that effect us on a intellectual level. I really can’t stand celebrities and I find it really sad how badly people are obsessed with them. Lets take Dancing with the Stars for an example, what other country in the world would love a show with washed up celebrities competing to be the winner just so they have free publicity for a month. Think about this, these celebrities are making more money then our president.
As a celebrity gossip junkie myself, who by the way watched footage from Khloe Kardashian's wedding, I have to admit that I have never even heard of William Safire. That doesn't mean I am dumb. I read books... and no not just cosmo, star or OK magazine, but actual books. I also watch the news and not just E! but the actual news. Really, did we ALL read the article about William Safire? I highly doubt that. It's a free country and you can read whatever you want to read. You shouldn't have to feel bad about wanting to hear or read about what interests you, instead of reading or listening to something just because you don't want to be judged by snoody America. Life is stressful enough, some people just like to sit and relax and watch something that has no meaning, when has that become such a crime?
I do not see this as a bad thing. Since William Safire wrote a newspaper, most people will read his obituary in newspapers. Kardashian, on the other hand, is written about on blogs, facebook, and celebrity websites. More people googled her than Safire because her younger fans spend more time on the internet than an older New York Times reader.
Its sad because society today feels thats this is a much more important subject then the jouralist. Reality t.v. I believe is a waste of time. It shows you that people don't care about things of value.
Yes it is pretty sad that people would rather watch the celebs on tv than other important people. But it is easy to say that people are more likely to tune in to these news because it's easier to pick up and relate these celebs to themselves.
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